Programmable Base Stations
GEM’s base station units enable remote programming via either a personal computer or the base station unit itself. The main benefit is more efficient use of memory and batteries while in the field. For example, a base station can be pre-programmed and left in the field for a month or more of operation – minimizing the infield maintenance and support of base station units on either airborne or ground surveys. 3 Programming modes are provided: Daily Scheduling (define working hours and minutes each day) This mode provides economy of memory and battery usage on a daily basis Flexible…
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NEW: Three-Year Warranty
GEM Systems Inc. has a reputation for delivering the most reliable magnetometers and gradiometers in the industry. We also support our reputation with the longest warranty available. All GEM Overhauser, Potassium, and Proton Precession magnetometers and gradiometers, excluding batteries and third-party components (ie. GPS), are guaranteed for replacement of defective parts and labor for three years from shipping date. (Shipping costs are not included.) Please note that any unauthorized opening of the sensor or console without written consent of GEM Systems, Inc. will void the warranty. For more information on this new warranty program, please contact GEM at…
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