Innovation and Reliability
Since 1980

Apr 21 2014

GEM Systems Upcoming Events From Around the World!

GEM Systems Upcoming Events From Around the World!

With all of the advancements and innovations GEM Systems pioneers in the magnetometer industry, it’s important that we make our presence felt at the top events around the world.  There are three upcoming events we are attending in three distinctly different regions that we are really looking forward to.

  1. Expomin – Santiago, Chile


The Expomin event takes place in the South American city of Santiago, Chile from April 21 – 25, 2014.  Santiago is the capital of Chile and it is more than 1,700 feet above sea level, with both mountains and ocean within driving distance.  GEM Systems will be located at booth #CO4-2 in the Canadian Pavilion during the event, and we are excited to experience the different cultures and technologies we’re sure to encounter during our stay.

For more info: (site in Spanish)


2. SAA – Austin, Texas


 SAA stands for The Society of American Archaeology, and the SAA event is from April 23 -27, 2014 in Austin, Texas.  GEM Systems will be occupying booth #411 during this event, and considering the SAA has over 7,000 members we are sure to see a lot of traffic.

SAA has been around since 1934 and the organization is heavily into the research and protection of “all things archaeology” as it pertains to the Americas.  The overriding goal of the SAA is to enhance and expand our understanding of human history through archaeology, which is why GEM Systems is part of the program.

For more info:


  1. EAGE – Amsterdam, The Netherlands


From June 16 – 19, 2014 we move to a completely different part of the world, and the EAGE Event in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.  GEM Systems will be at Stand #2114 during the event, and we are also sponsoring the breakfast from the 17th to the 19th, and afternoon drinks on the 17th and 18th.  Amsterdam is an International city that is filled with excitement and a rich history and we’re looking forward to the experience.

For more info:


Maybe we’ll see you there?!

It is events like these three that really help to grow the company by allowing us to solidify our place in existing markets and make a strong first impression in new ones.  Don’t forget to check back later to see how everything turned out!





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